Acrylics, colored pencil, copper acrylic paint, molding paste on layered hardboard,
16” x 20”, 2023.


Climate change and the survival of our planet have been in the forefront of daily news stories, with footage of increasing activity in catastrophic storms, wildfires, and droughts reinforcing this point. The infusion of 'fake news' into our daily lives has thrown the climate change narrative into disarray, calling it a hoax, a scheme by Democrats to ban specific fuels and practices from the American environment. Others acknowledge the existence of climate change, but attribute it to the 'end times,' believing it heralds the Second Coming of Christ - and hence welcome it, despite the trauma it causes.

What happened to us as a species? One that collaborates for the greater good? Who cares about those who are less fortunate than us? Who safeguards the only home we've ever known - EARTH?

This piece is a declaration about how misinformation, political corruption, and upheaval have turned our civilization upside down. What will it take for people to reject those whose primary objective is power, control, and wealth accumulation?

How long will we float aimlessly, disconnected from reality?