Acrylics, acrylic metallic inks, molding paste on canvas
24” x 48”

Crows love pears and consume the juicy, delicious fruit until their hearts' content. While farmers often despise crows, many have embraced the 'you should always plant double what you need, one half for yourself and the other half for all the small creatures who may wish to share your wealth.' Symbiotic cohabitation is the essential term here.

Crows are considered a ‘spirit animal’ in some cultures: mysterious creates that are also symbols of transformational change and rebirth.

Pears, besides being a sweet and versatile fruit, often symbolize the female form and fertility.  They are given as gifts to bless the recipient with abundance and longevity.

The connection between crows and pears can vary for each individual. Are the connections beneficial or malefic?  Or should they be interpreted independent of each other?