Acrylics, molding paste, composite metal leaf on canvas
36” x 36”
(scroll down for interpretation of this work)

This whimsical but symbolic work features crows playing a balancing game with pears atop their heads. The center crow's pear has fallen, and he appears perplexed as to how to reposition it on his head, while the other two stand, triumphantly balancing theirs.

Pears, historically, symbolize ‘divine sustenance, abundance and longevity’, as well as the female form and fertility. Crows are highly intelligent, and, in many cultures, are said to be messengers of the gods, as well as symbols of transformational change and rebirth. In this work, twelve pears are present: nine in the tree and three with the crows. The number 12 symbolizes new beginnings, peace, and positive transformation in many philosophies and religions.

So, what is the meaning of combining pears, crows, and the number twelve? Whatever links exist between such elements are left up to the viewer's interpretation of the work.